Who we are
Founded in 1995, Green Communities Canada (GCC) is a national non-profit association of 20 community-based environmental organizations working together for a vibrant, equitable and sustainable future. GCC connects community-based climate action groups through a national network to share resources, inspire innovative programming, and elevate our collective impact.
Director, Sustainable Mobility
Lead, Sustainable Mobility
As one of the main environmental organizations in Québec, Équiterre seeks to make the necessary collective transitions towards an equitable and environmentally sound future more tangible, accessible and inspiring. Since 1993, Équiterre has worked with citizens, organizations and governments to develop projects in transportation, agriculture, energy, consumption and climate change.
Project Manager, Sustainable Mobility
Steering committee
A small group of Alliance members selected for their expertise, interest and capacity to guide the direction and priorities of CESBA.
Pollution Probe
Pollution Probe is a charitable organization that pursues environmental gains by working productively with governments, industry and the public, with a steadfast commitment to Clean Air, Clean Water, and a Healthy Planet. Pollution Probe is one of Canada’s leading independent low-carbon transportation solution providers. Our work supports aggressive actions to address climate change and reduce air pollution while promoting economic growth and social equity.
Alliance members
Members form a coalition of education, health, environmental, economic and technology development groups across Canada who have an interest in accelerating the adoption of electric school buses. Membership recruitment is still underway.
Financial partners
The Trottier Family Foundation is a Montréal-based private Canadian charitable foundation. Our mission is to support organizations that work towards the advancement of scientific inquiry, the promotion of education, fostering better health, protecting the environment and mitigating climate change. We strive to catalyze and scale transformative innovations, create cross sector collaborations, and take risks that others cannot.